ye sorry for so long no update but i have been very bizzy im actually working on a mappack called dragmeintohell it contains 5maps underground hallways with alot of monsters incase the normal doom pack was to easy for you this is the mappack for you. it also contains a area were u can go to funmap witch contains alot of fun stuff. like skateboards to ride traps to see your ragdolls fly into the sky. parkour shooting range low gravity. And old game course not gone say what it is yet u see once it comes out. if u have any idea what i should add to the fun map. let me know by either adding me on steam or mailing to my e-mail. adress my name  not putting my full e-mail up here cos i dont want it to be taken by internet bots. my steam id is lethal_vortex so ye add me gimme your inputt i appreciate it. im also taking model request so if u need a simple model for your map i see what i can do. i will also make a new tutorial either this weekend or next im kinda sick atm so i hope it pass but if it doesnt i make it next week i will include how to make a skybox. and mabe explain how to substract and add works since i got lots pms with people having problems with it.

also check out my versus server im hosting it for 1month depending on traffic i will either keep it or remove it.

so if u like versus killingfloor go play alot:D  link

dont forget to leave a comment i appreciate it ^-^