well my computer broke. and i wasnt able to make a tutorial. im now on a old computer and i cant really make a tutorial coz it will lag real bad. i hope i get my computer back next week so i can then make a tutorial on trial maps. i prob try to make a video explaining what a trial map is for the ppl who dont know what i am actually talk about. im making this tutorial in the hope to see more jumping maps. anyway im back to learning now.

Got permission:) *New map*

October 8, 2010

Well i got permission to make the new map. so ye hear is a early wip screenshot of the new map


minecraft killingfloor wave map im trying to get the pigs in there aswell but that is something i havent done before so first i will finish the map it will be medium size outside area. 1cave system. u cant break blocks:( i tried it but once i hit 50.000 static mesh it kinda got real laggy. so it will be just eye candy map.


sorry for the lack of updates. so ye what i have been doing basiclly learning stuff i really want to learn unrealscript but to learn that i think its the best way to learn java first i prob trow in tutorial next week on how to make a jumping/ trial map. so ye if u want something explained just request it and i putt it in the next tutorial.